Will the rise of the robots make us better humans?

Automation is one of the future technologies I use in my novels, but my vision of the late-21st and early-22nd centuries is likely a conservative prediction of what will be. The exponential nature of technology makes it difficult, if not impossible, to predict how technological advances will change human lives many decades from now. I do my best to extrapolate what’s happening now, aware that I may be overestimating some advancements while underestimating others.

Consider, for instance, robots taking our jobs. In Peer Through Time, a family dines in a restaurant with no human servers, submitting their order by touchscreen. That technology that is already here. I recently went to my favorite grilled-cheese sandwich eatery for the first time in several months. Though I was greeted by a nod from the human behind the counter, a new contraption stood between us: an automated ordering kiosk. I looked at the screen, beckoning me with its colorful, high-resolution display, then back at the human behind the counter.

“Either way?” I asked.
“Either way,” he said, before returning to a conversation with his co-worker, clearly indicating he didn’t particularly want to take my order.

I turned back to the machine. In clear, simple language, signs told me step by step what to do, but it was all intuitive anyway. Touch the picture of the thing you want to eat. Touch the picture of the other thing you want to eat, and so on. Confirm your entire order by making sure the pictures and text are correct. Swipe your card. You are number seven. Now wait. Watch your number rise on the electronic board displaying which order is coming up next. It’s the ultimate in immediate gratification. I might even pay more for this cool, easy service, but I don’t have to. It costs the owner less, so they don’t have to charge more.

But what of the two humans behind the counter, whispering between themselves while their customers point and swipe away at the kiosk? They’re still working. The place isn’t that automated, at least not yet. They’re making the food—with help from machines, of course.

At the grocery store, self-checkout stations have been around for some time, but at first, the technology was so clunky I couldn’t stand it. That’s still the case in some stores, but improvements are being made. For now, while grocery shopping, I choose a human cashier most of the time. Besides, it’s sort of like having a brief visit with a friend, since many of the cashiers at my local supermarket have been there for years.

It’s a different story at the local movie theaters, where human cashiers have been 100% replaced by kiosks. Touch the picture of the movie you want to see. A couple more taps and a swipe, and your tickets are printed out for you. There’s still human interaction when it comes to ordering snacks and drinks, but sometimes it seems the ticket machines have more life and personality than the disinterested staff minding the corn popper. Every once in a while, though, one of those young humans offers service with a smile, taking pride in their ability to socially interact face-to-face. They are the shining stars who will find success elsewhere, once theater snack counters become fully automated.

Humans have a history of being wonderful to one another, and of being horrible to one another. You don’t have to look far to witness a customer treating a cashier, or anyone in the service industry, as an inferior life form. Is it possible that the shift to automation will eventually put an end to such treatment, since there will be no more cashiers to treat with disdain? Or will people simply find new ways to demean each other?

I suspect it will be a little of both. Meanwhile, I welcome the already-in-progress automation revolution with a mixture of open-mindedness, skepticism, and concern for those who will be unable to adapt. In the long run, I believe putting machines to work for us will make the world a better place for humans, but in the near future, there’s going to be a lot of upheaval and turmoil.

Still, that’s nothing that we, as a species, haven’t gotten ourselves through before.


The above was inspired, in part, by the article 3 Predictions for the future of jobs, by Kristel Van der Elst.

“Peer Through Time” was released six months ago

My debut novel was released on January 20th, 2015. As I look back on these past six months, I feel a summary is in order. What have I learned?

  • The support of family, friends, and especially casual acquaintances, has been heartwarming.
    • While the support of my immediate family and close friends didn’t come as a surprise, I didn’t quite expect such overwhelming support from casual or long-forgotten acquaintances, including fellow authors. The role that social media has played in this cannot be overstated.
  • This is not a money-making venture.
    • While there has been some profit, I haven’t recouped the money I invested to have this book edited, cover-designed, published, and marketed. Nor did I expect to. While I hope to someday make a living from writing, it would be naïve to expect such a thing right away. No, this is not about money. It’s about “doing what you love” – advice I heard, and ignored, for many years before finding a way to follow it.
  • There will be more books … but patience is necessary.
    • For a long time, I truly thought I had only one book in me. Now I’m well into the second book, but it’s moving along slowly. The key words are “moving along.” I don’t always write every day. At times I get stuck, disheartened, and disinterested, but I always go back to writing.
  • Contest submissions aren’t free.
    • Some are free, but most contests require a submission fee. This makes sense to me; the people administering these contests need to get paid for the work they do. Peer Through Time did get an Honorable Mention in the 2015 San Francisco Book Festival, which was more than I hoped for. While I wonder what awards it might have won had I submitted it to more contests, I couldn’t blow my entire savings on such a gamble.
  • One person can make a difference.
    • The first time someone told me they wanted to read the next book, it was enough to motivate me to keep writing. A few more have said the same thing since, but even that one person was enough to make a huge difference. Just releasing a book into the world is a gamble. What if nobody cares? Am I the only person who could ever love this book? Am I being self-indulgent and stupid by spending my time on this, when I could be more successful as a computer programmer? The answer to all these questions has turned out to be that I made the right decision.
  • Thinking about “what might have been” is unavoidable.
    • While I refuse to wallow in regret, I can’t help but wonder how things might have been had I started my writing career a couple of decades ago, in my mid-twenties. I could have had ten or more books under my belt by now, and perhaps I could already be making a living at it. Then again, the Internet age didn’t exist then as it does now, and that has played a massively significant role in my moving forward with writing and publishing. Sure, many authors crafted their novels long before we had personal computers, technology apps, and social media … but it wasn’t my destiny to be among them. When the Internet woke up, so did I.
  • Our perception of the passage of time is a really weird phenomenon.
    • This I already knew, but 2015 has reiterated it. In one sense, I can’t believe more than half the year is gone. But when I peer back in time to my book release, I can’t believe how little time has passed. It’s only been six months? Why in the world, then, do I wrack myself with guilt over how slowly the next book is moving along?
  • This is just the beginning.


Will we abuse our robots?

Humanoid robot unveiled at Beijing conference

Some people find humanoid robots creepy. Why is that? I would venture to guess it’s the same characteristic that makes us wary of anything “other” or anything foreign. I once had a co-worker who said she was afraid of little people. Dwarfism, to her, was something sinister. Trying to reason with her, explaining that these were people with feelings just like her, did little to change to her mind.

While fear of the unknown may have been an evolutionary advantage for our ancestors, it can easily translate into intolerance and discrimination in today’s world. It may be so deeply ingrained in our psychological makeup that it persists despite reason or logic. But what does any of this have to do with humanoid robots? Nobody is claiming they are people with feelings and self-awareness.

No, not yet. But is it possible that could one day be the case? Below are some reports of a trend we’ll be seeing more and more: robots being commissioned to interact with humans in order to assist.

Bleep blorp: New Japanese hotel to be staffed by robots

Can you imagine if robots like this began claiming self-awareness and rights? For my wild imagination, it’s not too much of a stretch. In my near-future science-fiction novel Peer Through Time, Kass is a humanoid robot, or android, who has achieved self-awareness as a result of his brain’s complexity. While he does suffer some mild abuse and intolerance from some not-so-nice human characters, I believe in reality it would be much worse.

Some humans abuse others for reasons that seem trivial to some of us. Skin color, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs are just a few examples we hear about on a daily basis. Some people seem to have a deep need to discriminate against and abuse others, and they’ll find any excuse to do so. If they can de-humanize their subjects in any way, they will. For much of history, slaves weren’t thought to be fully human. Extreme religious fanatics can convince themselves that the people they’re bombing are godless heathens whose deaths help rid the world of blight.

Humanoid robot can recognise and interact with people

Robot abuse will likely occur whether or not our robots ever achieve consciousness. In the more likely scenario that they never do, some will abuse them simply because they exist. Isn’t there a part of you that thinks it might be fun to take out your aggression on a non-feeling entity that resembles a human? What if it resembled someone you dislike, or someone who has been mean to you? There might even one day be a market for robots made to resemble our enemies, just so we can kick, hit, or dismember them.

What do you think? As robots become more commonplace, will we start to hear news stories about abuse?

Read more about the fictional Kass at Pimp That Character.

Helping Readers Choose With Book Reviews

The more I learn about Amazon book reviews, the more I have to change my tune. Recently, I claimed that a book review can be as simple as two or three sentences. While that remains true, and a simple review can certainly help the author, it isn’t the most helpful type of review for the potential reader.


In her article “What to Do When Amazon Pulls Book Reviews,” marketing expert Penny Sansevieri reveals some secrets she’s uncovered about why Amazon does, from time to time, make a book review vanish. A book’s set of reviews might be suspect if they can be linked to the author’s friends and family. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll pull those reviews, but it’s a factor that might contribute to the ultimate vanishing of those reviews.

Other factors might include reviews in which the reviewer doesn’t go into depth—or at least offer a couple of tidbits—about why they liked the book; multiple reviews coming from the same IP address; a book with only five-star reviews; and Amazon’s own constantly changing algorithms.

Book reviews exist, first and foremost, to help readers determine whether or not they should buy this particular book out of the millions available. As a newly published author, it was easy for me to lose sight of that and focus on the perspective of how reviews can help me.

It’s not about me; it’s not about the author. The idea behind customer reviews is for readers to either encourage or warn other readers about why they may or may not like a book.

The best reviews are those that are helpful to other readers—thus Amazon’s question at the bottom of each customer review, “Was this review helpful to you?”



When someone answers yes or no, those responses are counted and displayed at the top of the review.


Granted, not all review-writers use the opportunity to help others. Some simply praise the book without much explanation. Others might simply spew hatred because they’ve been given the platform to do so. Some people misunderstand the star-rating as a measure of how they personally felt about a particular aspect of the book, rather than as a measure of the author’s writing and story-telling skills.



What does all this mean to you? What does it mean to me? It means we need to try and catch ourselves when we are only considering our own perspective. Like so many other aspects of life, it means not asking ourselves, “How can I use this to my benefit?” but rather, “How can I use this to benefit others?

With that in mind, I’ll have to revisit my reviews of other authors’ books, and make sure I’m following my own advice. I’m not a prolific review writer, and maybe you aren’t either. But when we do review, the best way we can help out an author is by helping out his or her potential readers.

Bionic Eyesight: From Superhuman to Human

There was a time when the name Steve Austin was known not as a wrestler, but as The Six Million Dollar Man. This TV series, based on the novel Cyborg by Martin Caidin, ran from 1974-1978.

Pictured to the right is my childhood Six Million Dollar Man action figure. Not bad for approaching forty. One of the character’s features was his bionic eyesight, providing him with telescopic vision. Back then, such implants were still in the realm of science-fiction, but now they are becoming a reality. We’re getting closer to healing blindness.


In this article on restoring vision, the fictional Steve Austin is even mentioned as one of the inspirations for developing the technology. What was once considered superhuman may one day become a simple medical procedure. Science inspires science-fiction, which in turn inspires science.

As we age, our eyesight can deteriorate at a frightening pace. I often carry two or three headgear gadgets with me at all times: eyeglasses, sunglasses, or reading glasses, depending on whether or not I’m wearing contact lenses. Even if I never benefit from advancing technologies such as telescopic contact lenses, reading about them inspires me with hope.

Do any advancing technologies inspire you with hope? Feel free to comment below.

Advancing technology and its limitless possibilities

Years ago, if someone had told you that you would soon be able to hold all of the following devices in the palm of your hand, would you have believed it? A telephone. A camera. A photo album. A library of photo albums. An entire volume of encyclopedias. A typewriter. A book. Your library of books. Your calendar. An artificially intelligent assistant who listens to your questions and offers answers. She may not have a conscious awareness of herself, and some of her answers may be funny and weird, but she is learning and adjusting.

Remember, we’re still in the palm of your hand. An alarm clock. A map. All maps, of anywhere on the planet, and even some places beyond. A video camera. Several of your home movies. Your local newspaper and everyone else’s, too. A television. Your address book. A notepad, with pens and highlighters in every color. Your mailbox. Your recipes. Your bank account. A door to the grocery store, the clothing store, almost any store. The Yellow Pages—again, your own local version and everyone else’s. A game. Your own library of games.

Access to all of your friends’ and families’ thoughts and ideas, should they choose to share them, no matter how far away they are. A translator to translate from any language into any other. Access to a world-class education beyond the wildest dreams of those wonderful pioneers who educated you. A compass. A people-tracker that lets you know how close others are to you. Medical diagnoses of a staggering variety. The list goes on and on, and will continue to grow.

Now think of something “impossible” today. It’s likely to soon be possible. The only limit is your imagination, which may very well have no limit at all.

The above was inspired by the book “Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler.

You can read my review of this book here.

Publication Day

Today marks the publication of my debut novel, Peer Through Time! Below is a photo of just a few books I used while researching subject matters such as time travel; predictions for the future based on theoretical physics; artificial intelligence; and the business of writing and publishing. Not pictured is all the online research I did concerning the history of San Francisco.

Here are some of the many things I have planned today.

  • Update my website and make sure all the links work correctly.
  • Announce the release on social media, thanking everyone involved.
  • Prepare shipping labels for the 5 winners (out of 656 entrants) from my Goodreads Giveaway .
  • Avoid obsessing over sales figures – it’s only day one!
  • Step away from social media, at least occasionally, and enjoy the day in the “real” world.
  • Continue writing the next book.



Website debut and book release date!

Welcome to my website. I’m thrilled to announce my debut novel, Peer Through Time, will be available as both a paperback and Kindle ebook starting January 20, 2015. Read about it and pre-order here.

I’m compiling a mailing list for my monthly newsletter and giveaways. You may sign up here.

Coming soon, a preview of Peer Through Time— in video form. I’ll be recording a video of myself reading the novel’s opening scene. Stay tuned!
– David

PeerThroughTime - Splinters 2
Available January 20, 2015

If you see any errors on this website (typos, incorrect links, etc.), please contact me here.

Progress Report: October 2014

This is just a brief update for that handful of people who might be wondering about my writing progress, since I’ve been quiet lately.

Book 1 (Peer Through Time):

I spent much of the year revising it after an initial round of professional editing and some beta-reader feedback. It’s now back with the editor and I expect to call it complete by the end of 2014 or early 2015, at which time it will finally make its debut. Meanwhile, I’ve been studying self-publishing and have decided that’s the way I want to go. This is not a rejection of traditional publishing—I hope to ultimately become a hybrid author, with some projects published traditionally and others via the DIY route—but for my first book, I’ve concluded it’s more important for me to have the final say on cover design, editing, and the publishing timeline than I would have with a big publisher, even if it means having less visibility.

Book 2 (working title – Gravity’s Loop):

I wrote 50,000 words of it—about half a novel—during National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo, in November 2013. I had no day job at the time, which is the only reason I was able to produce so much. Approximately one-quarter of this writing was worth saving and revising. I spent months drafting different plot ideas, running out of ideas and nearly abandoning it. One day, seemingly out of nowhere, the entire plot appeared in my head, so I sat down at the keyboard and summarized it as fast as I could.  Since then, the ideas keep coming faster than I can write. Over the past few months I’ve re-shaped and re-plotted it, and now Draft #1 is nearing the midpoint.

Book 3 (actually the first book I wrote, but set aside, so – Book 0?):

It’s in the hospital. It’s not dead. A few more surgeries and it will be ready for eventual release. But the surgeon is too busy with other things right now, so on the waiting list it remains.

Other projects:

The decision to self-publish is basically a decision to start a company—to become an entrepreneur. This was an incredibly daunting idea at first, but once I dove in, I found it to be not only a means to an end, but an end in itself. I wrote a separate article on this, which will tentatively be published as part of an anthology on the writing and publishing process with other indie authors. More on that to follow in the months to come.

This will be my final blog on this particular website. After that, everything will shift over to my own website.


Thank you for your patience

I’m still working on revising the novel I wrote between July 2012 and September 2013. It’s going more slowly than I’d like, but I write or revise at least a little something every day, so it’s always moving forward. At some point soon, I’ll stop hearing the voice in my head that says, “This is really good—but I have an idea on how make it better.”  The two-year mark is coming up and I’d like to be able to say I wrote my first final-draft novel in less than two years.

“Final-draft” novel refers to this being the second full novel I’ve written. The first is still under revision, tucked away in a drawer, as they used to say. The drawer, of course, is an electronic file in an electronic folder on my hard drive, and in the cloud. The third novel is partially written and not yet fully thought out.

Together, the three novels are a trilogy, and, if my plan goes well, can be read in any order. That’s what’s nice about time-travel stories—you can design them so that, while each is a sequel to the other and they share a common theme, each book is its own, self-contained story. Of course, there will be a preferred order, one which offers the best build-up of revelations about the overall story of the trilogy, and hopefully that order will coincide with the order in which the books are published. If I choose to self-publish, of course, there’s no hopefully about it—the books will be published in the preferred order of reading.

As an author, you need to think long-term, though. Statistics say that the first book you publish—and even the second and third—are not likely to reach a large audience. The trick is to build that audience over time—years, really—and gather more readers with your next book, and more with the next, et cetera.

Some readers will discover you by reading your seventh book, never having heard of you before. Some, your thirteenth. And some of those readers, the newbies, are gold—because they’ll want to devour everything you’ve written previously. I know this happens because as a reader, I’ve done exactly that with nearly all my favorite authors. I rarely discover them at the get-go.

With that in mind, I am trying to create a trilogy of books that, in the future, can be read in whatever order one happens upon them. In that future, I’ll have grown as a writer and I might feel a twinge of embarrassment at the primitive style of my first three novels. I don’t feel that now—not at all—but I might as time goes on. Even if I do, I’ll refrain from self-deprecation because there may be one or two new fans who—like me—are dazzled by their favorite author’s early works and don’t really want to hear anyone put it down, especially the author himself.

Another thing about this imagined future is that I’ll be working toward deadlines. I won’t have the luxury of taking my own sweet time, and if I slack off, I’ll have to answer to more than just myself. For now, I sort of enjoy that luxury; it’s part of the process. I set my own self-imposed goals and quotas, and if I fail to meet them, I simply re-design them. I’m accountable only to myself and to those few who are patiently waiting for my debut novel to be published.

It will happen. These things take time, and I’m taking my time because I won’t be prepared to send it out into the world until I know it’s as good as I can make it. It won’t be perfect—if I waited for perfection, it would never be released—but it will be better than it is now. So to those who have expressed their anticipation, and to myself, I say: thank you for your patience.

